Lattice Medical

About the deal
Lille, October 1, 2022 – LATTICE MEDICAL, announces the closing of a second round of financing of 8 million euros. This round was led by the historical funds Finovam Gestion, Nord France Amorçage and WiSEED alongside the Captech Santé fund. The European Commission, via its EIC Fund, and Santelys are co-investing. The financing round is completed by non-dilutive financing, in the form of a grant from EIC accelerator and debt from BPIFrance.
On the way to clinical trials:
The first objective of this financing round is the completion of the pre-market clinical evaluation of the MATTISSE device. The clinical trial, which start in July 2022, plans to recruit 50 patients eligible for immediate breast reconstruction in 8 centers in Europe. This clinical trial will last 36 months and will lead to CE marking. In parallel, the submission of the IDE clinical trial application to the FDA for the US market will take place at the end of 2023.
CE marking, industrialization and hiring for the marketing of MATTISSE :
The second objective of this fundraising is to obtain the CE mark and the commercial launch of MATTISSE. For this, LATTICE MEDICAL plans to hire a dozen people between now and 2024, particularly in marketing, communication, sales and production. Indeed, the fundraising will allow to reinforce the pilot industrial tool set up by the company 2 years ago in order to increase the production capacity for the commercial launch.