Our latest deals : Domain Therapeutics ($42M series A), Ludocare (€4.2M Seed), Spine Innovations (M&A sell-side, un-disclosed amount), Neurofenix ($7M series A), Incepto (€27M series B)
Bordeaux, France (June 1, 2021) – FineHeart S.A, a preclinical medical device company that has developed the ICOMS FLOWMAKER®, an Implantable Cardiac Output Management System designed to address the unmet need of patients suffering from severe heart failure, today announced the successful completion of a €15 million funding round. This enables FineHeart to prepare for First-In-Human clinical trials planned for 2022.
The financing was realized with a pool of industrial and independent investors:
“I am delighted to have completed this financing with such a complimentary pool of investors who are committed to FineHeart’s long-term growth and who share our ambition to become a new name worldwide in medical devices for cardiology,” said Arnaud Mascarell, CEO and Cofounder FineHeart. “This consortium of shareholders represents a new approach, going beyond straightforward financial support. We have brought together know-how from the world of technological excellence and renowned medical expertise, shown by the substantial contribution from cardiologists, who have individually invested through the FineHeart Founders Holding Company. I am extremely grateful for their support, and I reiterate our determination to deliver the disruptive treatment that the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® represents.”
This financing operation is a significant achievement for FineHeart in the run-up to clinical trials. The ICOMS FLOWMAKER® has successfully accomplished all the key milestones prior to First-In-Human trials. The international medical community welcomed these preclinical trial results as an efficient solution to treat severe heart failure, thus validating the potential for the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® as an effective treatment.
Mikel Charritton, joint CEO of Lauak Group, stated, “Our investment in FineHeart shows our willingness to diversify our business by playing a key role in the development, manufacturing, and market launch of high added value medical products.
Since Luauk was founded, with an aeronautic focus, we have built our development on innovation, providing worldrenowned expertise in the manufacturing of high-precision, complex parts.”
“Since our first involvement with FineHeart more than two years ago, we have been impressed by their motivation and breakthrough approach, the strength of the team, and the successful delivery of milestones. We are delighted to ramp up our financial support and leverage our know-how in bringing the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® to market as a truly disruptive treatment for severe heart failure,” said Etienne Flesch, Managing Director of Doliam Group.
The ICOMS FLOWMAKER project has triggered significant interest from independent international investors. Cardiologists represent a substantial weighting, together with investors who have seen family members suffer from severe heart failure. Their investments are regrouped in the Founders’ Holding company (FH Founders).
“The development of a heart treatment solution as innovative as the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® requires support and long term investment to succeed. I am delighted to be part of this exciting project, alongside committed physicians, aiming to improve the quality of life for patients with severe heart failure,” said Mrs. Sarah Collier, Benton L.A. (USA).
Jean-Luc Boulnois, Executive Chairman of FineHeart, declared, “On behalf of all longstanding and new investors, I would like to underline the remarkable and ground-breaking clinical progress that the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® represents. It has the potential to be a first-in-class treatment for thousands of severe heart failure patients. With this latest fundraising, we now hold all necessary resources to ramp up the development of our breakthrough technology, and notably the manufacturing capabilities required for First-In-Human clinical trials.”
To date, FineHeart has raised more than €35 million since its inception in 2010. Today the company has a staff of 40, essentially focused on R&D and expertise in quality and regulatory affairs. FineHeart has an international Scientific Medical Board of world-renowned members.
Advisors to this operation:
Financial advisors: Agile Capital Markets
Legal advisors to FineHeart: Reboul Associés, Olivier Mourain, Geoffrey Benitsa
Legal advisors to Investors: Choate, Brian Goldstein
The ICOMS FLOWMAKER® is the first fully intraventricular, wireless flow accelerator that provides physiological support synchronized with the heart’s natural contractions. It respects the natural blood flow and does not require aortic bypass surgery. It is the first miniaturized device – barely 10 cm in size – that is adjustable to patients needs, like a pacemaker to treat patients with varying degrees of severity. It has no external driveline as it is recharged via a wireless transcutaneous energy transfer system (TET). The device is implanted using a minimally invasive beating-heart procedure, commonly performed by cardiac surgeons, and lasts on average 90 minutes.
FineHeart demonstrates that the protocol for implanting and removing the ICOMS FLOWMAKER® resolves the severe complications associated with implantation of left ventricle assist device (LVAD) surgery, which deteriorates the fragile cardiovascular condition of the patients treated. Today, within two years of the implantation of a classic LVAD, 80% of patients develop a severe complication that makes them dependent on their assistance device.
About Heart Failure
Heart failure (HF) is the second leading cause of death in the United States and Europe and has become a global pandemic affecting 26 million people worldwide, with a steadily rising incidence (over one million new cases in G8 countries). This degenerative disease is associated with a reduced quality of life, frequent, costly hospitalizations, and early mortality. Cases of severe HF require a device to improve the pumping capacity of the left ventricle. Despite the pressing need, current LVADs are bulky, which causes significant myocardial damage. They are associated with a risk of infection, bleeding, and thrombosis, which is why they are almost exclusively implanted in very severe patients with short life expectancy. In the event of a sudden attack (cardiogenic shock), it is often necessary to wait before deciding whether to implant an LVAD and force physicians to resort to temporary circulatory assist solutions. These less invasive aids are limited in time (30 days maximum) and require the patient is bedridden a large part of the time. The prospect of a single device, such as the ICOMS FLOWMAKER®, that is capable of providing both temporary support (with no time limit and preserving the patient’s mobility) and permanent support if the patient does not recover sufficiently from the shock, constitutes a paradigm shift in the way severe Heart Failure patients will be treated.
About FineHeart – www.fineheart.fr
FineHeart is a French medical device company headquartered in Bordeaux. Its patented ICOMS innovation holds the potential to treat 200,000 severe heart failure patients annually, with FineHeart initially targeting the 50,000 patients who are eligible for hemodynamic support but today are not treated by current LVADs; a $5B unmet market need.
FineHeart was founded in 2010 by a team of internationally renowned cardiac surgeons and cardiologists, led by
Stephane Garrigue, MD, PhD, CSO, Philippe Ritter, MD, MS, co-inventor of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), and FineHeart CEO, Arnaud Mascarell. The company benefits today from 17 patent families.
FineHeart is supported by major U.S. venture capital firms specializing in the cardiovascular space, prime French investors, the European Union, and Region Nouvelle Aquitaine and Region Centre. It has been recognized by FierceMedTech as one of its ”Fierce 15,” designating it as one of the most promising private MedTech companies in the industry.
phone:+33 (6) 88 20 35 59
Paris, le 24 mai 2018, 13h15 CET – EOS IMAGING (Euronext, FR0011191766 – EOSI – Eligible PEA – PME), pionnier de l’imagerie médicale orthopédique 2D/3D, annonce aujourd’hui le succès de son émission d’obligations à option de conversion et/ou d’échange en actions nouvelles et/ou existantes à échéance 31 mai 2023 (les « OCEANEs ») par placement privé, sans droit préférentiel de souscription, auprès d’investisseurs institutionnels pour un montant nominal de 29 543 626,80 euros (l’« Emission »).
Toutes les obligations offertes ont été souscrites.
Objet de l’Emission :
Le produit brut de l’Emission1 a notamment pour objet de permettre à EOS Imaging (la « Société » ou « EOS Imaging »):
• le refinancement de l’intégralité de la dette IPF existante à hauteur d’environ 72% de l’Emission et la levée des sûretés associées ; et
• le financement de la croissance de la Société à hauteur d’environ 28% de l’Emission.
Marie Meynadier, Directrice Générale d’EOS Imaging, commente : « Le succès de cette opération de financement témoigne de la confiance des nombreux investisseurs institutionnels dans la croissance de l’adoption des produits de la Société sur ses marchés clé. Elle permet en outre à de nouveaux investisseurs institutionnels d’être associés au développement d’EOS Imaging et d’augmenter sa notoriété internationale».
La valeur nominale unitaire des OCEANEs fait apparaître une prime de conversion de 35% par rapport au cours de référence2 de l’action EOS Imaging.
Les OCEANEs donneront droit à l’attribution d’actions nouvelles et/ou existantes d’EOS Imaging, à raison d’un ratio de conversion/d’échange initial d’une action pour une OCEANE, sous réserve d’éventuels ajustements ultérieurs. Les actions EOS Imaging nouvelles éventuellement remises porteront jouissance courante.
Les OCEANEs porteront intérêt à un taux nominal annuel de 6% payable semestriellement à terme échu les 31 mai et 30 novembre de chaque année (ou le jour ouvré suivant si cette date n’est pas un jour ouvré) avec une première date de paiement d’intérêt le 30 novembre 2018. Les OCEANEs seront émises au pair le 31 mai 2018, date prévue de règlement-livraison (la « Date d’Emission ») et si elles ne sont pas converties seront remboursées au pair le 31 mai 2023 (ou le jour ouvré suivant si cette date n’est pas un jour ouvré).
Les OCEANEs pourront faire l’objet d’un remboursement anticipé au gré de la Société, sous certaines conditions. En particulier, les OCEANEs pourront être remboursées par anticipation au gré de la Société à compter du 20 juin 2021 si la moyenne arithmétique du produit quotidien du cours moyen pondéré par les volumes de l’action EOS Imaging sur le marché réglementé d’Euronext à Paris et du ratio de conversion/d’échange des actions en vigueur, sur une période de 20 jours de bourse consécutifs parmi 40 jours de bourse, excède 150% de la valeur nominale des OCEANEs.
Compte tenu de l’émission d’OCEANEs d’un montant de 29 543 626,80 euros, une valeur nominale unitaire des OCEANEs de 6,80 euros (calculée sur la base du cours de référence égal au cours de référence du 24 mai 2018 soit 5,0334 euros et une prime de conversion de 35%), la dilution maximale sera de 19,18% du capital actuel d’EOS Imaging, si la Société décidait de remettre uniquement des actions nouvelles en cas de conversion.
Les OCEANEs seront émises en vertu de la 18e résolution approuvée lors de l’assemblée générale ordinaire et extraordinaire du 18 mai 2018 et ont fait l’objet d’un placement privé conformément à l’article L. 411-2 II du Code monétaire et financier, auprès d’investisseurs qualifiés en France et hors de France (à l’exception des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, du Canada, de l’Australie et du Japon).
L’Emission ne donnera pas lieu à l’établissement d’un prospectus soumis au visa de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (l’« AMF »). Des informations détaillées sur EOS Imaging, notamment relatives à son activité, ses résultats, ses perspectives et les facteurs de risque correspondants figurent dans le document de référence de la Société déposé auprès de l’AMF le 27 avril 2018 sous le numéro D.18-0439 lequel peut être consulté, ainsi que les autres informations règlementées et l’ensemble des communiqués de presse de la Société, sur le site Internet de EOS Imaging (www.eos-imaging.com).
Une demande d’admission aux négociations des OCEANEs sur Euronext AccessTM (le marché libre d’Euronext à Paris) sera effectuée. L’admission aux négociations des OCEANEs interviendra dans un délai de 30 jours à compter de la Date d’Emission.
Dans le cadre de l’Emission, EOS Imaging consentira un engagement d’abstention pour une période débutant à compter de l’annonce des modalités définitives des OCEANEs et se terminant 90 jours calendaires suivant la Date d’Emission, sous réserve de certaines exceptions ou de l’accord préalable du Teneur de Livre (tel que défini ci-après).
Kepler Cheuvreux agit en qualité de teneur de livre de l’Emission (le « Teneur de Livre ») et Agile Capital Markets a agi en tant que conseil financier de la Société.
EOS Imaging est coté sur le Compartiment C d’Euronext Paris ISIN : FR0011191766 – Mnémo : EOSI Prochain communiqué de presse : chiffre d’affaires du second trimestre 2018 : 17 juillet 2018 EOS Imaging conçoit, développe et commercialise EOS®, une solution d’imagerie médicale innovante dédiée aux pathologies ostéo-articulaires et à l’orthopédie, qui associe équipement et services dans un marché évalué à 2 milliards de dollars par an. Avec plus de 250 systèmes EOS® installés, représentant environ un million d’examens annuels, la Société est actuellement présente dans 31 pays, dont les États[1]Unis (approbation FDA), le Japon, la Chine et l’Union Européenne (marquage CE). En 2017, le chiffre d’affaires d’EOS Imaging s’est élevé à 37,1 M €. Le taux de croissance annuel moyen (CAGR) sur la période 2012-2017 est de 32%.
Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur www.eos-imaging.com.
EOS Imaging a été sélectionné pour intégrer l’indice EnterNext© PEA-PME 150, composé de 150 entreprises françaises, cotées sur les marchés d’Euronext et d’Euronext Growth (ex Alternext) à Paris.
Phone:+33 (0)1 55 25 60 60
Paris, November 6th, 2019 – Acticor Biotech, a clinical stage biotechnology company involved in the acute phase of thrombotic diseases, including acute ischemic stroke, today announced that it has raised €7 million in addition to its Series B which is now completed at €22,3 million. This additional funding will enable the company to expand ACTIMIS, a phase II trial in acute ischemic stroke with its lead candidate glenzocimab (ACT017) in the US. The financing was led by a new investor Go Capital. Existing investors Newton BioCapital, CapDecisif Management and Anaxago also participated into this additional funding. Simultaneously as closing its Series B financing, Acticor Biotech acquired 100% of AVCare’s shares. AVCare is a start-up diagnostic company, founded by Pr. Serge Timsit and Jean-Marc Herbert and financed by SATT Ouest Valorisation and Go Capital, which is developing a stroke blood biomarker. Acticor Biotech and SATT Ouest Valorisation enter into a sub-licensing agreement which gave worldwide rights to Acticor to develop and exploit the stroke biomarker. Leila Nicolas, Investment Director of Go Capital will now join the Board of Directors of Acticor Biotech and she commented: “It was a very good opportunity for AVCare to be integrated into a promising biotech such as Acticor. We are also excited to participate into the financing of Acticor Biotech and look forward to getting the results of the phase II clinical development in acute ischemic stroke as well as expanding it into the US.” Gilles Avenard, President of Acticor Biotech, added: “We are delighted to have raised additional equity from specialised healthcare investors who will enable us to expand our ongoing Phase II, ACTIMIS, in the US. Our pre-IND consultation with the FDA in the summer was encouraging enough to take the decision to file an IND in the coming months.” For the closing of the series B financing, Agile Capital Markets acted as financial advisors for Acticor Biotech.
GO Capital is an independent venture capital firm that invests primarily in high- tech companies located in Western and Central France, in the fields of Digital Economy, Life Sciences, Ecotechnologies and Service Innovation. GO CAPITAL invests in companies via several funds, from their creation to their expansion worldwide, in order to boost their development. For more information: www.gocapital.fr
Established in 2017, Newton Biocapital is a Belgian venture capital fund focused on financing biotech and life science projects in the « core of Europe » (B, NL, D, F) and Japan for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. The fund’s approach as lead investor is to support promising start-up projects, as well as neglected or undervalued late-stage projects, in order to mitigate the risks and to create investor value. Its leadership team consists of specialists with long-standing management and investor experience who coach bio-entrepreneurs through the development stages of their projects. Newton Biocapital’s mission is to generate substantial financial and societal value.
CapDecisif Management is an independent Venture Capital firm investing in innovative companies, mainly in the digital and healthcare sectors. Since its inception in 2001, CapDecisif Management has backed over 80 companies with strong growth in France and globally, while generating consistent returns for its investors. As a trusted partner, CapDecisif Management’s team is valued by entrepreneurs for its complementary skills and business network. For more information, visit www.cap-decisif.com
Founded in 2012 Anaxago is the first investment platform to open an exclusive access to individuals in investment opportunities usually reserved for professionals. With more than 100,000 members, 200 real estate projects or companies financed since its creation and more than 150 million euros invested, Anaxago is distinguished by the selectivity and support of investment projects offered on its platform. Anaxago’s Ventures business specializes in investing in innovative companies in the fields of Proptech, FinTech and Healthcare. Anaxago is majority owned by its founders.
Acticor is developing glenzocimab (ACT017), a humanized Antibody Fragment (Fab). The therapeutic candidate is directed against a novel target of major interest, platelet glycoprotein VI (GPVI), and inhibits its action. Evidence of antithrombotic efficacy of glenzocimab and safety of inhibition of GPVI have been established both ex vivo and in vivo. The target is involved in the growth of the thrombus, but not in physiological haemostasis. This limits the bleeding risk associated with its inhibition. https://acticor-biotech.com/technology/
Biotech is a clinical stage biotechnology company, spin-off of INSERM, dedicated to developing an innovative treatment in the therapy of acute thrombotic diseases, including ischemic stroke. Acticor Biotech is built upon the expertise and the results of research conducted by the founders: Dr. Martine Jandrot-Perrus at INSERM Paris and Pr. Philippe Billiald at Paris-Sud University. For more information, go to: https://acticor-biotech.com/
Archamps, May 15th, 2019 – TransCure bioServices (France), a one-stop-shop preclinical services company dedicated to in-vivo full human immune system mouse models, today announced that it has completed a €2.5 million round of financing with Financière Arbevel (France). This new funding will enable the company to accelerate its international sales growth as well as to expand in vivo preclinical pharmacology services offers into new product lines.
This financing was entirely subscribed by Arbevel Life Sciences Crossover I, a european private equity fund based in Paris (France) with a cross-over approach. TransCure bioServices will use the proceeds to expand its business activities in Europe and the USA, and to develop additional platforms for international pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
Marc Le Bozec, Managing Director of Arbevel Life Sciences Crossover I Fund will now join the Supervisory Board of the company and commented: “We are excited to collaborate with TransCure bioServices’ management in expediting its growth by addressing new markets and strengthening its commercial team”.
Patrick Nef, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of TransCure bioServices, commented:
“We welcome Arbevel as a new shareholder to boost our international CRO business which generated significant growth over the past 3 years. In addition to the ongoing full human immune system mouse models for immuno-oncology, inflammation, and infectious diseases we are excited to develop new hu-liver and 100% human monoclonal antibody services. We look forward to the contribution by Marc Le Bozec in the Supervisory Committee and to benefit its expertise for preclinical CRO business and financial markets.” “The Arbevel’s investment underlines a stepping stone for the growth of our worldwide business,” says Stéphane Legastelois, Chairman of TransCure bioServices. “It allows TransCure bioServices to widen its range of services and to investigate new exciting areas in the field of full human antibodies.”
Agile Capital Markets acted as financial advisor for TransCure bioServices in this transaction.
TransCure bioServices SAS is a European CRO based in France offering pre-clinical in vivo pharmacology fee-for-services to international pharmaceutical, biotech and academic customers. Uniquely designed full human immune system and hu-liver mouse models provide predictive power for drug profiling and smarter drug candidate selection for immunooncology, inflammation (IBD, SLE, MS, RA), auto-immune, infectious (HIV), liver diseases, and vaccines. If you are looking for check point inhibition, CART-cell designs, 100% IgG mAb, any drug profiling involving the human immune system or hu-liver, please refer to www.tcbioservices.com.
Founded in 1997, Financière Arbevel, an entrepreneurial investment management company, has grown significantly since its takeover by the current owners in early 2009 – the AUM progressed from EUR 25m to EUR 1.6bn as of today (of which EUR 732m under the umbrella SICAV “Pluvalca” comprising 9 sub-funds). The company currently employs a total of 34 staff, of which 13 are dedicated to fund management/investment research. Financière Arbevel is recognized for its expertise within the small & mid cap asset class. We are a research-driven
organization with a strong emphasis on fundamental financial and strategic analysis, close relationships with top managements of listed companies (more than 1000 company meetings last year) and a permanent quest for new investment themes offering structural growth opportunities. The digitalization, fintech, Industry 4.0, or the ageing of the world population are some of our favorite investment themes. We ensure we 3/3 are following closely the latest developments within this universe, by participating in various conferences, trade fairs, sectorspecific thematic events and by meeting regularly with managements of listed companies. Our small & mid cap DNA is spread across various strategies under the PLUVALCA family of funds with a cross-asset approach comprising our core equity funds, thematic equity funds, fixed
income and diversified/flexible allocation funds). In 2015, the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund chose Financière Arbevel to manage its French equity mandate. In 2018, Financière Arbevel pursued its development by launching its first European private equity fund (FPCI form or “Professional private equity investment fund”) with a cross-over approach focused on the non-listed life-science universe, with the idea of accompanying a limited number of biotechnology start-ups in their development. www.arbevel.com.
Paris, France, July 7, 2017 – Cellnovo Group (“Cellnovo” or the “Company” CLNV:EN Paris), a medical technology company marketing the first mobile, connected, all-in-one diabetes management system, today announces a capital raise of €17.5 million, by means of a capital increase reserved to a category of persons through an accelerated book-building offering.
Top-tier institutional investors specialising in the life sciences and healthcare technologies sector have participated in the capital raise, allowing the Company to reinforce its shareholder base. Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners (EDRIP), Air Liquide Investissements d’Avenir et Démonstration (ALIAD) and ForCe-Novo B.V. (Forbion Capital Partners), the Company’s main shareholders, have also subscribed to the capital increase in a total amount of €1.2m, equal to 6,8% of the transaction gross proceeds, confirming their confidence in and their support of the Company.
The net proceeds will reinforce the Company’s cash position and extend financial visibility to the end of the first half of 2019. As announced, the funds raised will be allocated to financing the following projects:
• Boosting sales in Europe, Latin America and in Oceania (in particular, marketing costs and working capital requirements);
• Targeted US launch of the Cellnovo System in certain key territories;
• Increasing insulin cartridge production capacity with Flex by acquiring additional production lines;
• An optimisation programme to pursue the reduction in production costs of consumables (insulin cartridges); and
• Activities needed to finalise the development of artificial pancreas solutions (in particular, regulatory activities).
Sophie Baratte, Chief Executive Officer of Cellnovo, commented: “We are delighted with the success of this transaction, which will allow us to finance the increase in production capacity with Flex and the commercial development of our pump in new countries, notably the United States. It will also enable us to finance the finalisation of artificial pancreas solutions, in which the Cellnovo pump is involved, and which are strategic projects for the Company. Lastly, the backing of top-tier specialist institutional investors will allow us to strengthen our shareholder base.”
A total of 4,069,769 new shares (the “New Shares”), representing approximately 24.6% of the Company’s share capital (on a non-diluted basis after the capital increase), were issued by a decision of the Company’s Board of Directors, using the delegation granted under the 14th resolution of the 2 / 6 extraordinary general meeting of June 22, 2017, and in accordance with article L. 225-138 of the French Commercial Code. The capital increase was reserved for a category of persons defined in the 14th resolution mentioned above, namely (i) one or more French or foreign companies or investment funds, (a) investing primarily, or having invested more than €5 million during the 24 months preceding the capital increase in question, in the life sciences and healthcare technologies sector, (b) for a unit subscription amount of over €50,000 (including additional paid-in capital) or (ii) strategic or financial partners of the Company, located in France or abroad, that have signed or are due to sign one or more commercial or financing partnership agreements (development, joint development, distribution, production, etc.) with the Company.
The New Shares were subscribed for at a price of €4.30 per share, corresponding to a discount of 17.2% to the weighted average share price for the last five (5) trading days preceding the date the price was set, in accordance with the 14th resolution of the general meeting referred to above.
After settlement-delivery of the New Shares, the Company is share capital will amount to €16,545,356, equal to 16,545,356 shares with a par value of €1.
On an illustrative basis, a shareholder holding 1% of Cellnovo’s capital before the offering will now hold a stake of 0.75%.
Phone:+ 33 1 44 71 00 16
Paris, July 17, 2018, 18h00 CET – EOS imaging (Euronext, FR0011191766 – EOSI), the pioneer of orthopedic medical imaging 2D / 3D, today announced that it entered into a binding agreement with Fosun Pharmaceutical AG, an indirect subsidiary of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (Fosun Pharma, stock code: 600196.SH, 02196.HK), related to an equity investment to be made by Fosun Pharmaceutical AG through an issuance of EOS imaging news shares.
At the closing of the investment, the Company will issue 3,446,649 new shares to be subscribed by Fosun Pharmaceutical AG at a nominal value of €0.01, for a price per share of €4.37, issue premium included, which amounts to a total amount of c. €15.1m. The price per share negotiated between the parties represents a discount of 6.8% on the closing price on July 16th , 2018, and a discount of 9.2% on the volume weighted average share price of the Company’s shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris over the last 20 trading days prior to the signature of the subscription agreement. Fosun Pharma, through Fosun Pharmaceutical AG, will hold approximately 13.2% of the sum of the Company’s existing Shares and the shares subscribed by Fosun Pharma post transaction (on a non diluted basis and taking into account shareholding and voting rights of the Company at the date of this press release) and will be the largest shareholder of the Company.
Marie Meynadier, CEO of EOS imaging says: ”We are very happy to welcome Fosun Pharma, a strategic investor in healthcare with acumen in capital equipment, joining EOS imaging. After the strong investment made by the Company in the US in 2017 and early 2018, this important step reinforces our presence in the Asia-Pacific region and, together with our historical European base, completes our global strategy of strengthened presence in the Company’s three major markets. We look forward to continuing to develop EOS imaging and making available the EOS® technology to a growing number of patients worldwide, amongst which the Chinese population. Companies within Fosun are key players in the high growth globalmarket and will undoubtfully contribute to this development.”
Chen Qiyu, co-president of Fosun International and chairman of Fosun Pharma says: “We are very pleased to have EOS imaging to join Fosun family and to bring its intelligent imaging solutions to the Group. EOS imaging is a global medical device company that develops and markets advanced imaging and image-based solutions for musculoskeletal pathologies and orthopedic surgical care. EOS imaging’s mission is ‘connect imaging to care’ which fully complements Fosun’s mission of creating happier life for families worldwide. With the joining of EOS imaging, it will further enhance and complement Fosun Pharma’s existing resources in medical diagnosis.”
The completion of the investment is subject to the approvals from Chinese government authorities and to the visa of the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, the French market authority) on a prospectus consisting of the Document de Référence filed with the AMF on April 27th, 2018 under number D.18-0439, and a Note d’Opération which will include a summary of the prospectus. The regulated information related to the Company and the Company’s press releases can be found on the Company website. The Company also publishes today a press release for the first half 2018 Sales.
Email: investors@eos-imaging.com
Phone:+33 (0)1 55 25 60 60
Paris, January 7th, 2020 – PKvitality, a French company specialized in bio wearables, has signed an agreement with Beurer GmBH, the German medical product and well-being company. PKvitality is currently working on the development of K’Watch project, a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) in a form of a smartwatch.
The agreement provides PKvitality with €2,25m funding to further develop the K’Watch and reach First in Man. Beurer GmBH has acquired exclusive commercialisation rights for Germany, Austria and Italian tenders, agreeing to a sales volume that will contribute significantly to PKvitality’s overall commercial volume.
Beurer GmbH, created in 1919, employs more than 900 staff and manufactures and commercialises more than 500 products in Europe, US and Asia, and is one of the major distributors of Blood Glucose Meters in Germany and Austria. Beurer believes that PKvitality’s K’Watch, will become a leading product to measure blood glucose level in real time. The patient-friendly and cost-effective concept of the K’Watch is being developed by high skilled professionals and industry experts; Luc Pierart, CEO, ex[1]Alcatel Lucent and ex-Motorola, Minh Lê, General Manager, ex-Withings and Tom Bishop, CTO, 35 years’ experience in the MedTech industry, including CGM focus.
Luc Pierart, CEO and Founder of PKvitality says: “We are very proud that our technology has been endorsed by Beurer, as the depth of their due diligence and their competencies in health-care technologies are Best in Class. We trust Beurer to be the right partner for us. Their commercial footprint will provide a powerful springboard to promote our unique product, in the large and dynamic market of CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring). Beurer’s investment in PKvitality will also enable us to continue our development efforts and to confirm the excellent results currently obtained in our pre[1]clinical model, and to reach the First in Man milestone”.
Marco Bühler, Managing Director and 4th generation of company’s founding Family declares: “After extensive technical Due Diligence we are convinced that PKvitality has one of the strongest teams and technology portfolio in the area of future Glucose monitoring applied to Continuous Glucose Monitoring. A highly professional risk management in all key areas has been established and covered with a portfolio of relevant patents. The concept of realizing a CGM in a smartwatch which is basically painfree and non-stigmatizing in combination with a much more cost-efficient sensor patch is convincing. We are looking forward to launching the K’Watch in our key territories, and are convinced that this patient friendly and cost effective device will meet a large success”
K’Watch will be the first wearable smartwatch medical device that measures and displays glucose level continuously, effortlessly and painlessly. With K’Watch, diabetes patients will check their glucose level instantly, see the trend and how it evolves over a period of time. Patients will also receive customized automated alerts to prevent hyper & hypoglycaemia episodes for days and nights. Moreover, users have the option of alerting trusted people in case of severe episodes through notifications sent via the PK Application directly on their smartphone. K’Watch Glucose is equipped with K’apsul, a consumable which is inserted at its back. The core of K’apsul’s concept is the technology SkinTaste, a revolutionary technology based on a sensor composed of biochemicals and an array of micro-points. The micro-points stay in the upper part of the skin, a layer without pain sensation as most of the mechanical nerves are below 1mm. It measures glucose concentration by being in contact with the interstitial fluid rather than with the blood which makes it also a blood-free solution.
PKvitality is an advanced bio-wearable start-up currently working on K’Watch, a painless and discreet Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device in the form of a smartwatch. It will enable a precise and continuous monitoring of systemic glucose level anytime and anywhere. Using the same technology, PKvitality is also working on K’Watch Athlete, a smartwatch that will provide real-time monitoring of their lactic acid – an indicator of muscle fatigue – to significantly improve an athlete’s training and performance.
PKvitality is currently finalising its Series A funding round. Interested investors can meet PKvitality at the Biotech and Medtech showcase, a satellite event to JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, from 13th to 15th January 2020 in San Francisco, California, or send enquiries to partnership@pkvitality.com.
Paris, July 31, 2018 – Acticor Biotech, a clinical stage biotechnology company involved in the acute phase of thrombotic diseases, including stroke and pulmonary embolism, announces the signature of an Asset Transfer and Licensing agreement covering a development and commercialisation collaboration agreement with CMS Medical Limited as well as an investment agreement with CMS Medical Venture Investment Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of China Medical System Holdings Limited (“CMS”; HKSE:0867), and A&B (HK).
Under the terms of the agreements, Acticor Biotech will collaborate with CMS, who will have the full rights in China and certain other Asian countries (excluding Japan and India), to enable the development and commercialisation of the Company’s pipeline of drug candidates in the region. The parties will coordinate and share data from their respective clinical studies and Acticor Biotech will benefit from the investment of CMS in developing the Company’s assets in China. Acticor Biotech will also receive commercial milestones and royalties based on the achievement of sales milestones by CMS and make a manufacturing margin on any product the Company supplies.
Gilles Avenard, Chief Executive Officer of Acticor Biotech, commented: “We are pleased to have signed this development and commercialisation agreement with China Medical System Holdings Limited. As a specialty pharmaceutical company based in China, CMS is the ideal strategic partner to help us advance our platform and commercialise potential products in this important region. We look forward to working closely with CMS”
Mr. Lam Kong, Chairman, Chief Executive and President of CMS, added: “I am excited by this opportunity to work with the Acticor biotech team to drive forward the development of the Company’s drug candidate. I believe ACT017, Acticor Biotech’s drug candidate offers great potential as a novel approach to improve management of acute phase of vascular diseases, where there is a recognised unmet need for new effective treatment options.”
Agile Capital Markets acted as a financial advisor for Acticor Biotech
CMS is a specialty pharmaceutical company based in China, engaging in marketing, promotion and sales of prescription drugs and other medicinal products to all therapeutic departments in hospitals nation-wide. CMS builds up its product portfolio for its target markets by asset acquisition, equity investment and licensing-in on the global basis as well as in-house R&D. It is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (867.HK) with a market capitalisation of approximately HK$33.4 billion (c. €3.6 billion) as at July 31 2018.
Acticor is developing ACT017, a humanized Antibody Fragment (Fab). The therapeutic candidate is directed against a novel target of major interest, platelet glycoprotein VI (GPVI), and inhibits its action. Evidence of antithrombotic efficacy of ACT017 and safety of inhibition of GPVI have been established both ex vivo and in vivo. The target is involved in the growth of the thrombus, but not in physiological haemostasis. This limits the bleeding risk associated with its inhibition.
Acticor Biotech is a clinical stage biotechnology company, spin-off of INSERM, dedicated to developing an innovative treatment in the therapy of acute thrombotic diseases, including ischemic stroke and pulmonary embolism. Acticor Biotech is built upon the expertise and the results of researches conducted by, the founders: Dr. Martine Jandrot-Perrus at INSERM Paris and Pr. Philippe Billiald at Paris-Sud University.
For more information, go to: https://acticor-biotech.com/
PARIS – April 30, 2018 – 6.00 pm CEST – STENTYS (FR0010949404 — STNT), a medical technology company commercializing the Xposition S self-apposing coronary stent, today announces the completion of the acquisition of MINVASYS, independent specialist in innovative coronary devices marketed worldwide, and the issuance of 596,805 new shares in partial payment of the acquisition.
Christophe Lottin, Chief Executive Officer of STENTYS, says: “The completion of the acquisition of MINVASYS, the first external growth operation of the STENTYS group, is a decisive step in our intention to create a benchmark French player in interventional cardiology. I wish to thank all the stakeholders involved in this structuring project for the future of STENTYS, and in particular our shareholders who have contributed, thanks to their participation in our recent capital increase, to the realization of this acquisition. Today, our group can focus its efforts on the launch of a joint commercial offer, represented by a range of innovative proprietary products, via a commercial and distribution network covering over 60 countries. Through the pooling of our know-how, our complementary technologies and the significant organizational and production synergies, we will have solid short-, medium- and long-term growth levers. ”
Stentys announces that it today completed the acquisition of 100% of the MINVASYS shares for approximately €7.5 million, carried out essentially via the transfer of shares and a contribution, as announced by Stentys at the end of January (see press release of January 30, 2018).
Stentys thus today undertook the acquisition of 25,502 shares, representing 86.30% of MINVASYS’ share capital, primarily for a cash sum of 6.3 million that could be increased by an additional 0.2 million euros. The acquisition was financed by the 11.8 million euro rights issue carried out by Stentys in March (see press release of March 17, 2018).
Simultaneously to this acquisition, Stentys also issued 596,805 new shares (whose admission to trading on Euronext Paris has been requested), in order to pay for the contribution of 4,048 MINVASYS shares representing that company’s remaining share capital and voting rights, i.e. 13.70%, in accordance with the terms of a contribution contract signed on February 15, 2018 by Stentys and by MINVASYS’ shareholders (the “Contribution”). The value of the shares contributed was set at 1,000,017.92 euros.
Using the delegation of powers granted to the Board of Directors by the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 22, 2017, via the approval of the 19th resolution, in order to undertake the issuance of new shares (limited to 10% of the share capital) to pay for contributions in kind1 and having noted the fulfillment of the conditions precedent to which the implementation of the Contribution was subject, Stentys’ Board of Directors, at its meeting of April 30, 2018, in view of the contributions auditor’s reports, approved the Contribution, its valuation and its remuneration, and decided to increase the share capital through the issuance of 596,805 new ordinary Stentys shares, each with a par value of 0.03 euros carrying full rights and immediately fungible with existing shares, and noted the definitive realization of the subsequent capital increase, amending its articles of association accordingly.
This operation does not require a prospectus to be filed with the AMF French stock market authorities, in accordance with the provisions of article 212-5 1° of the latter’s general regulations, as these shares represent less than 10% of the number of shares in the same category already admitted for trading on Euronext Paris.
However, the reasons for and main characteristics of the Contribution, its valuation and its remuneration are summarized below in accordance with the provisions of article 17 of the AMF instruction n°2016-04 dated October 21, 2016.
Phone:+33 (0)1 44 53 99 42
Paris, France, July 10, 2017 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Cellnovo Group (”Cellnovo” or the ”Company” CLNV:EN Paris), a medical technology company marketing the first mobile, connected, all-in-one diabetes management system, announce that they have concluded a loan agreement for €20 million (”the Agreement”) to support Cellnovo in its transition to full industrial-scale operations. The Agreement was signed on July 7, 2017 at EIB’s office in Paris, in the presence of Ambroise Fayolle, EIB Vice-President, and Sophie Baratte, Chief Executive Officer of Cellnovo.
The loan is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is the central pillar of the European Commission’s Investment Plan for Europe, the so-called ”Juncker Plan ». Jointly launched by the EIB Group and the European Commission, the Juncker Plan aims to mobilise private investment in projects and sectors such as research and innovation which are strategically important for the European Union. It provides equity-type financing for early stage companies with high growth potential.
The EIB financing will be utilised by the Company to improve the design of the current Cellnovo System with the objective of reducing production costs. The investment will also finance additional production lines as well as multi-centre clinical trials of artificial pancreas solutions in order to obtain clinical data with a view to receiving market authorisations in the United States and Europe.
”EIB is very proud to be contributing to the success of Cellnovo through this new Juncker Plan financing. The Juncker Plan is continuing to develop in France with 70 operations approved to-date, which are expected to generate €27,6bn of additional investment,” commented EIB Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle. ”This signature underlines our commitment to supporting the development of innovative, high value-added companies in Europe. Innovation, particularly in healthcare, is essential to the sustainability of companies, this is why it is a key priority for EIB to support them. In addition, we offer tailored financial products to enable innovative companies such as Cellnovo to pursue their strategy and development.”
Sophie Baratte, Chief Executive Officer of Cellnovo, commented: ”We are delighted to sign this loan agreement with the EIB, which provides further recognition of Cellnovo’s position as a leader in the development of innovative technologies in diabetes. Our unique diabetes management system is the result of a rigorous development process aimed at improving the quality of life for peope with type 1 diabetes. This financing will help us to accelerate our research and development projects, as well as increasing our production capacity to meet strong market demand for our connected micro-pump.
The European Investment Bank (EIB), whose shareholders are the member states of the European Union (EU), is the EU’s long-term financing institution. It provides long-term financing for high-quality investments which contribute to the major objectives of the EU. The Bank owes its reputation in financial markets to the exceptional quality of its assets, the solidity of its finances, the unstinting support of its shareholders, the caution with which it manages its funds and risks and its high-performance strategy for attracting new investment.
Since 2012, on the strength of its expertise and the financial attraction of its AAA rating, the EIB Group has virtually doubled its volume of activity in France – reaching EUR 9.3bn in 2016 – in support of SMEs and innovation but also by financing investment in strategic sectors for the future such as climate action, energy, health, and youth education and training infrastructure.
Follow the EIB Group: www.eib.org – Twitter: @eib
The Investment Plan for Europe, the so-called Juncker Plan, is one of President Jean-Claude Juncker’s top priorities. It focuses on boosting European investments to create jobs and growth by making smarter use of new and existing financial resources, removing obstacles to investment and providing visibility and technical assistance to investment projects.
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), dubbed the Juncker Fund, is the central pillar of the Investment Plan. It provides a first loss guarantee, allowing the EIB to invest in more, often riskier, projects. The EFSI is already showing concrete results. The projects and agreements approved for financing under the EFSI so far are expected to mobilise around EUR 209 billion in total investments and support some 427,000 SMEs across all 28 Member States.
In September 2016, President Juncker proposed to extend the EFSI by increasing its firepower and duration as well as reinforcing its strengths. You can find the latest EFSI figures by sector and by country here.
An independent medical technology company specialising in diabetes, Cellnovo has developed and markets the first mobile, connected, all-in-one diabetes management system that helps make life easier for patients. Compact, intuitive and entirely connected, Cellnovo’s insulin pump comprises a mobile touchscreen controller with an integrated blood-glucose meter. This unique device allows optimal management of insulin injections whilst ensuring extensive freedom of movement and peace of mind for patients. Thanks to the automatic transmission of data, it also allows the patient’s condition to be continually monitored by family members and healthcare professionals in real time. Cellnovo is currently participating in several major Artificial Pancreas projects with Diabeloop, TypeZero and Horizon 2020 to develop automated insulin delivery systems.
For further information please visit www.cellnovo.com
Compact, intuitive and entirely connected, Cellnovo’s insulin pump comprises a mobile touchscreen controller with an integrated blood-glucose meter. This unique device allows optimal management of insulin injections with drop-by-drop precision, whilst ensuring extensive freedom of movement and peace of mind for patients. Thanks to the automatic transmission of data, it also allows the patient’s condition to be continually monitored by family members and healthcare professionals in real time.
The European Investment Bank (EIB), whose shareholders are the member states of the European Union (EU), is the EU’s long-term financing institution. It provides long-term financing for high-quality investments which contribute to the major objectives of the EU. The Bank owes its reputation in financial markets to the exceptional quality of its assets, the solidity of its finances, the unstinting support of its shareholders, the caution with which it manages its funds and risks and its high-performance strategy for attracting new investment.
Since 2012, on the strength of its expertise and the financial attraction of its AAA rating, the EIB Group has virtually doubled its volume of activity in France – reaching EUR 9.3bn in 2016 – in support of SMEs and innovation but also by financing investment in strategic sectors for the future such as climate action, energy, health, and youth education and training infrastructure.
Follow the EIB Group: www.eib.org – Twitter: @eib
The Investment Plan for Europe, the so-called Juncker Plan, is one of President Jean-Claude Juncker’s top priorities. It focuses on boosting European investments to create jobs and growth by making smarter use of new and existing financial resources, removing obstacles to investment and providing visibility and technical assistance to investment projects.
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), dubbed the Juncker Fund, is the central pillar of the Investment Plan. It provides a first loss guarantee, allowing the EIB to invest in more, often riskier, projects. The EFSI is already showing concrete results. The projects and agreements approved for financing under the EFSI so far are expected to mobilise around EUR 209 billion in total investments and support some 427,000 SMEs across all 28 Member States.
In September 2016, President Juncker proposed to extend the EFSI by increasing its firepower and duration as well as reinforcing its strengths. You can find the latest EFSI figures by sector and by country here.
An independent medical technology company specialising in diabetes, Cellnovo has developed and markets the first mobile, connected, all-in-one diabetes management system that helps make life easier for patients. Compact, intuitive and entirely connected, Cellnovo’s insulin pump comprises a mobile touchscreen controller with an integrated blood-glucose meter. This unique device allows optimal management of insulin injections whilst ensuring extensive freedom of movement and peace of mind for patients. Thanks to the automatic transmission of data, it also allows the patient’s condition to be continually monitored by family members and healthcare professionals in real time. Cellnovo is currently participating in several major Artificial Pancreas projects with Diabeloop, TypeZero and Horizon 2020 to develop automated insulin delivery systems.
For further information please visit www.cellnovo.com
Compact, intuitive and entirely connected, Cellnovo’s insulin pump comprises a mobile touchscreen controller with an integrated blood-glucose meter. This unique device allows optimal management of insulin injections with drop-by-drop precision, whilst ensuring extensive freedom of movement and peace of mind for patients. Thanks to the automatic transmission of data, it also allows the patient’s condition to be continually monitored by family members and healthcare professionals in real time.